The short and simple answer is not that much. We had Chinese New Year which is typically something of a modest celebration but this year thanks to the pandemic there was nothing, not even one firework went off.
To quote Shakespeare it is a Winter of discontent. Bali right now is in its Wet Season, referred to as Winter. It’s still warm but very cloudy and raining frequently. The weather is somewhat cooler than normal.
There is a strong feeling of discontentment among the locals. When people are making money everyone is happy and want to be your friend. Now and for some time no one is making money thanks to the pandemic. Tourism is no existent, Bali is looking like a wasteland. Businesses are closed, signed are placed on the outside saying, ‘for rent’ or ‘for lease’. No new tenants are moving in. The tourist economy is completely gone. The official response, ignore underreport and coverup the true impact of the pandemic.
Then we have the long stay digital nomads who live here. They are being scorned upon by the locals because they can still make money, spend money and live rather well. How dare they!!! A great deal of jealously has been directed at them in Feb. They are being accused of working illegally, not paying tax, not socially distancing or wearing masks. Reality is most Balinese and Indonesians are not wearing masks or socially distancing. As for working, they are working on their laptops and can do so anywhere in the world not just Bali.
The locals should be thanking these long stay visitors, that’s right thank them. These long stay visitors are renting accommodation, buying food, perhaps eating out. They are still injecting money into the community. My suggestion is simple, if the locals are going to give you a hard time get on a plane and head of to Thailand or Vietnam where you will be welcome with open arms. What you do on your laptop is your business and the money you earn can be taxed in your country where your bank account is. Don’t give one cent to greedy corrupt politicians who will only spend the money on a sport car or swimming pool. When this pandemic is over, should you be a local and need to make some coin rent out your hole or pole and set some goals.
2020 has ended, we are now in 2021. A new year, brighter year with many days ahead us, and many more upcoming years with new hope and positivity. This year has been expected to drive the significant changes to the world, and to the entire people. Several Covid 19 vaccines have been discovered. It’s a massive opportunity for everyone to get back to the normal routine, the same way as it was before the pandemic was discovered in 2020. However, to get all the citizens vaccinated will take months before it’s all completed. Be patient and let your Government do their job to get the vaccination program underway, to plan the best way for your country to recover. We definitely can feel the relief coming out of our chest, knowing this is now nearly over and the promising days are soon to come toward us. We have started strong and amazing in 2021.
Tourism in Bali has gone through very tough time in 2020. New days are coming for 2021 particularly for Bali. As many countries are now starting their vaccination program, Indonesia has started too on 13th January 2021. Moving forward with this plan, Bali is now getting ready to welcoming foreign visitors within 3 to 4 months. This would give decent timing for the Government to get everything ready in time but history has taught us never to rely on the politicians here. Yes, Bali wants you back …But, hold on a second…We know people can’t wait to spend their holiday in our exotic tropical island, but please do one last thing and the most important before coming to Bali…
Get yourself the vaccine to ensure this holiday trip will be safe for you, your family, and for everyone. You don’t want to go for holiday and feel insecure because there are people coughing or sneezing next to you. When you’re getting on plane, you should not be scared to breath or take in a deep breath because you know that you will be sharing the same air as the other passenger and there is potentially a big chance one of them might have the virus or are unaware they have the virus due to a detection error. When you go to a restaurant you dont want to worry that the food or drinks might be contaminated by the virus. You know the virus can be passed on easliy by the person cooking the food or the service staff touching the plates and the glasses .
You clearly don’t want to feel any stress of concern while on your holiday, it won’t be fun at all. You want to have a great feeling once you’re on the plane and arriving in Bali, feeling relaxed and delightful, optimistic a fantastic holiday is waiting for you. You definitely want to do fun activities and exploring Bali the way you want it on your dream holiday with an amazing escort. Sun bathing at the tropical beach, swim all day long and sipping your favourite cocktails with a companion. Visiting Bali safari Park, Elephant riding, watching beautiful sunset at your favourite beach club. That’s all is possible now, without being worried or insecure. You can do anything you desire, plan it well and let the fun begin. Look at our gallery to see who is available when you arrive…
It’s December 9 Months Covid-19 in Indonesia and Bali
Warga berolahraga saat hari bebas berkendara atau Car Free Day (CFD) di kawasan Jalan M.H. Thamrin, Jakarta, Minggu (21/6/2020). Dinas Perhubungan (Dishub) Provinsi DKI Jakarta memisahkan jalur untuk pesepeda, olahraga lari, dan jalan kaki saat CFD pertama pada masa pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) transisi. ANTARA FOTO/Galih Pradipta/foc.
Bali, one of the famous tourist destination in the world has been hit massively by the Covid 19 Pandemic similarly to most other countries. Bali tourism contributes to 40% of the national tourism revenue and has deceased significantly hurting the Island since Bali relies on tourism. When the first Covid case was found in Jakarta in March 2020, the Government took action to control the spread of the virus. However, the regulation wasn’t coming from Central Government in Jakarta, but the authority given to each provincial governor to manage or act on their own guidelines to control their own territory, after getting approval from President or authority in Jakarta.
Lockdown has never been the primary option to control the virus spread in Indonesia. The view was, it could harm the country economically and would leave the country with potential economic loses in many sectors.
The policy guidelines within one region to another is different. Jakarta has applied social limitation in large sectors (PSBB) chapter 1 and 2 to control the virus spread. Unfortunately some contradictory events have occured during this pandemic in Indonesia. While other countries have significantly enforced restrictions to control covid 19 and wouldn’t allow family visits or inter state travel, the Indonesian Government has done the opposite. They have approved crowds to gather for ‘Car Free Day’ in Jakarta, mass travel during Eid Mubarak holidays and the long holiday period, including re opening Bali for domestic tourism in July, protests upon the Labour law in Jakarta and some other cities, protests in Bali towards a Senate member, thus increasing the number of people getting exposure and risking not only their lives but someone else lives too.
A country of 270 million people, with only 20.000 – 22.000 tests being conducted per day. It’s below WHO standard which is 38.500 tests per day, according to Covid 19 National Task Force spokesperson Mr. Adisasmita. Fatality rates have reached 18.956 and the numbers are increasing day by day. It shows the virus will never get eliminated from this country, but people have to live with it until a vaccine is found. What is scary and worrying is how the government is responding to this pandemic situation. Earlier during the pandemic the Minister of health referred to drinking jamu (drink made from herbs)to boost the imune system. There was a launch of eaculyptus necklace products, the Bali’s governor also announced that arak (Balinese fermented drink) can cure Covid 19.
There was a circular note leaked and distributed via whatsapp messages on 1st week of November. Summary of procedures from the Health Office following up the instructions from the Minister of Maritime and Investment. In order to boost Bali’s tourism for national ecomonic recovery, a plan to open Bali airport for international flight from/to Bali in December 2020 has been established. So far, no one can confirm this. There was a similar plan from Bali’s governor in Sept 2020 re opened Bali for international tourist, however the plan didn’t go ahead since none of the Ministers in Jakarta gave approval and Bali was not allowed to open the border for International tourist. This plan for December could end up the same. This contradicts travel restrictions from many countries and some countries have a second lockdown (Europe and England).
What is concerning regarding this circular note, was a statement “to create a safe and comfortable environment for foreign tourists visiting Bali, eliminating the stiff atmosphere, bureaucratic atmosphere and tense atmosphere (no army or Police officers). In order to attract and give the impression that Bali is a cool, pleasant and welcome place and ready to welcome the arrival of foreign tourists while still enforcing health protocols. (Keep Distance, wear masks and wash hands). Comments were made implying Covid 19 is a common disease, just like the flu, or fever need not be excessive”. It’s totally misleading information and dangerous. They are doing the opposite compared to what other countries are currently doing, which is actually trying hard to battling covid 19.
Bali particularly relys on foreign visitor to support the economy. Nearly 45.000 employees have lost their job during the pandemic in Bali and 13 millions all over the Indonesia. 146.000 empty hotel and villa rooms, shops in tourist areas, and restaurants, are losing profit and won’t be able to pay their staffs any longer if the pandemic continues. This also includes businesses related to tourism. Some of the tourist areas have turned into ghost towns because there are no visitors. This has resulted in the closure of many businesses. For those who are originally from Bali have to go back to their hometown and live with parents/relatives to help support their life on a daily basis. They’re lucky enough if they have a small piece of land and can turn it into farming land or find alternative work to be able to sustain themseles during the pandemic.
2020 is a tough year for everyone, for employee, job seeker, and business owner. Tourism wouldn’t be back anytime soon at least until a vaccine is found. It would take months for a vaccine to be established and ready to launch. In the first quarter 2021 some countries would have it and people would have the confidence to travel again after they get the vaccinesss. Second quarter would be the recovery phase for every countries. Hopefully by the third quarter 2021 foreign tourist will be starting to visit Bali . However, expecting full recovery for tourism is still a long way to go after this pandemic.